News and Announcements


VJFHA are pleased to announce the launch of our online store!

You can buy an official VJFHA Hoodie sweatshirt and customize your name or any text on the back.

Hoodies come in 9 different colours and in youth and adult sizes.

Cost: $40.00
Add: $8.00 for name on back

Deadline for ordering April 29, 2022

Order online:


It is time to pass on your valuable time and experience to the next generation!

This year’s league starts the weekend of April 9-10 and runs to June 10. Don’t worry you are allowed to have other commitments and go on holidays. We will shuffle coaches around to meet YOUR flexibility and schedule! We still want your commitment so IF you are event the slightest bit interested please go to the below link to sign up now!

Here are the commitments and age groups:

U6 Boys & Girls: SUNDAYS 9:00am – 10:00am

Under 8: SUNDAYS 9:00am -10:00am
Under 10: SUNDAYS 10:15am -11:15pm
Under 12: SUNDAYS 11:30pm – 12:45pm
Under 14: Sunday Games 1-2:30pm or 2:30-4:00pm AND Wednesday Practices 6-7:15pm or 7:15-8:30pm
Under 16 / Under 18: Saturday Games 12:30-2:00 pm AND Thursday Practices 6-7:15pm or 7:15-8:30 pm

Under 8: SATURDAYS 9-10 am
Under 10: SATURDAYS 9-10 am
Under 12: SATURDAYS 9-10 am
Under 14: Saturday Games 10:15-11:15 games AND Practices Tuesday 6-7:15pm or 7:15-8:30 pm
Under 16/18: Saturday Games 11:30-12:30 pm games AND Tuesday Practices 6-7:15pm or 7:15-8:30 pm

Coaches Meeting TBA.

Note: A Master Coach will typically be at your sessions to help you out and guide you and help YOU learn! ALSO EVERY session comes with a practice plan that every team will follow each week! SO, all we need from you is your time and commitment and if you aren’t entirely sure yet – just sign up online and we can be in touch closer to April!

Please sign up at:

Please pass this on to anyone else you think might be a fitting and/or interested coach in our spring league. Everyone is welcome to help!

Coach certification requirements now include 5 parts. Read more here to get started early:

If you have any questions throughout this process or throughout the season please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Ali Baggott ( or text/call 250-418-5633)
Technical Director, VJFHA


The Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association (VJFHA) is excited to announce that the 2022 Junior League season will be running from April 9 to June 19, 2022 for all ages U6 to U18 boys and girls.

Registration will open Friday, February 11 at 7:00 a.m. and it will be first-come, first-served.

There will be a registration cap on each of the age groups. With UVic’s water-based turf being resurfaced this year we may be restricted to only one rubber-based field at UVic and this would limit our capacity per age group. Should a second field become available we will automatically start putting players on teams from the waitlist. We hope this will be the case.

We know that protocols in sport can change so we will be ready to pivot if the Public Health Officer, ViaSport, Field Hockey BC or UVic require us to do so. For now though, you can expect a fairly normal season. Unlike last season, this year we will not require the daily health check, the capacity of players per field/team, masks, etc., however we will still required everyone coming to the venue to do a daily health check. If you have COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms we would request that you stay home.

Spectators will be allowed at the venue but we will be restricted to a 50% capacity of spectators.

The full details of what to expect this season are listed on our website here:

To view the dates/times that each age/gender is playing this year visit:

We hope you will be able to join us this season.

Mark your calendars and register online at the below link starting at 7:00 am on Friday, Feb. 11:

If you have any questions, please e-mail:


Have you heard of field hockey? Have you ever wanted to try it? Well now you can and FOR FREE!!

Victoria Junior Field Hockey League is hosting our annual Come Try the Game Free session at UVic Field 2B (rubber turf beside CARSA but closest to McKenzie Ave.) on Sunday, February 6 from 10:00-11:00 am. If your child is between the age of 5-18, and would like to try a new sport for FREE we look forward to seeing you. Please feel free to bring a friend as well.

Please bring shin pads and mouth guards if you have them. Sticks, balls, coaching and fun will be provided.

Sign up at the link below:

Registration for 2022 Junior League will begin at 7:00 am on February 11 and will close on February 20. There are registration maximums this year due to field availability so be sure to register as soon as you can.

Late registrations will be placed on a waitlist and moved on to teams on a first-come, first-served basis as spots become available and when as field availability is confirmed.

The season will run April 9 to June 19, 2021 (no sessions on the May long weekend)

View schedules per age:

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!


The Victoria Junior League is delighted to announce that we have been in conversation with our facility provider, the University of Victoria, and they have granted approval for this weekend’s junior league sessions, June 19-20, to be able to be played in accordance with FHBC, Via Sport and the PHO Restart 2.0 plans. More info:

We want to respect the comfort levels of all families so we decided to only open up play for the last weekend to allow you to make the decision about whether this is right for your child and your family.

Below is an outline of what you can expect and what will still be required for play this weekend, June 19-20:

1. All participants and coaches will still be required to fill out their online COVID attestation form as per normal
2. Safety officers will still be present to check players in and ensure guidelines are being met
3. Players must still wear masks and physically distance when approaching the venue and when not within the white lines of the playing field (ie. Participants must physically distance when returning to their bags on the sidelines)
4. Players do not have to wear a mask when on the playing field and can be within 3-meters of other personnel on the field ie. Games, game-like play will now happen
5. Coaches will still be mindful to not have drills or games that encourage actual contact like bump tag or tag but we can now have things like actual games, 2v1s, queen of the ring, etc.
6. Participants will still not be allowed to touch equipment (cones, nets, balls, etc.)
7. No spectators are allowed still as we still have a venue capacity of 50 people which is met with all our participants

The entire session will not be a game as FHBC has advised we are cautious of the potential for injury for jumping right into games and for having a whole session be games. The players will still do a thorough warm-up, some technical drills (but finally some defence and game-like play) and then they will break into mini games.

The U8-U12 players will play ¼ field (4v4 or 5v5) and the U14-18 players will play half field (7v7 or 8v8). The teams will be playing against other teams that are on their shared field (ie. Pink vs red not just pink playing within pink). If you have questions about the format or any of the health and safety please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ali Baggott, Master Coach and Technical Lead, at or 250-418-5633.

If you have borrowed equipment from the league but choose not to play this weekend, please drop off your equipment on Saturday (9am-12:30pm at Field 1) or Sunday (9am-4:30pm at Field 1 or 3) in the bins provided. If you need to make special arrangements for alternate drop off, please just e-mail us at

If you have any questions, concerns or choose not to participate we understand. Please reach out.

Thank you for helping us make this season possible and for helping us do it so safely.

Questions, concerns: